Thursday, January 19, 2012

Our Company

EDI-Staffbuilders International, Inc. is the premier international recruitment consultancy firm in the Philippines.  As a subsidiary of the John Clements Consultants Group (JCCI), EDI brings the standards of its esteemed parent company in the international recruitment practice.

EDI was started in 1978 by the Harvard-educated Mr. Leocadio Dominguez and renowned Australian psychologist, Mr.  John Clements.  Being one of the pioneering company in the industry has not only afforded EDI a tradition of leadership, but has set the bar on industry standards.

Over the past three decades EDI has gained the confidence of some of the top companies in the Middle East in the Asia-Pacific, primarily in the oil & gas, petrochemical, engineering, construction, telecommunications, IT, hospitality, services, and banking industries.