Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Recruitment Campaign Success Factors

Is there any recruitment format that would ensure a 100% success in our expatriate recruitment program?

Recruitment is not an exact science.  Unlike accounting where at the end of the day you can close with an exact balance, or in engineering where you can finish with a precise blueprint, in recruitment the factors that come into play are highly dynamic and ever-changing.

Despite all these, we need to ask are there any steps we can take to be better assured of success in a recruitment campaign?  Or better yet, what are the critical success factors in recruiting expatriate staff?  There are decisions that a human resources practitioner should make to improve his or her chance of conducting a successful recruitment campaign, whether in the Philippines, India, Sri Lanka, or any other manpower sending countries.

1.     Proper Planning

Prepare, prepare, prepare!  Having a recruitment plan is the beginning of this whole exercise.  The first mistake in conducting any recruitment campaign is the lack of planning.  There have been nightmare stories of companies jumping into a recruitment campaign without a clear cut plan on how to find the right talent the job market can offer.  They go through the whole exercise, only to end up wasting a lot of resources, and coming up only with dismal results.  This all could be avoided if a manager will lay down a proper plan.

One might ask the following questions:

What’s are my realistic goals for the recruitment campaign?
What should my target “audience” (candidate) be like?
What is the budget of our company for each targeted recruit?
What are the necessary materials and information about our company and the vacancies that I can prepare for the candidates (so they can make a proper decision on our company)?

2.     Clearly Communicated Job Opportunity

Information is the key!  A candidate can make his best decision based on the available information he receives.  A vague job opportunity is less likely to be pursued by a candidate, than one opportunity that allows him to weigh all the prospects with his career.  Three critical steps that need to be considered in clarifying the job opportunity:

·     Clearly defined job role through an updated Job Description that outlines responsibilities, tasks, reporting relationships and competencies required
·     Understanding how this job role contributes to the corporate health of the organization
·     Career and growth opportunities for those who accept this job opportunity

This is why information is the key.  As recruiters, our role is to channel the right information to the candidates.  As HR Managers, your role is to prepare clear and truthful information about the job prospect.

3.     Find the Right Partner

The choice for a partner will also dictate whether your company will be successful in a recruitment campaign.  This would actually hinge on three key factors:

·     Resources: Is the agent a mom-and-pop type of operation, or do they have a proven system and the experienced staff?  Do they have the network that would ensure a greater reach for talents?  Do they have a reliable talent bank?
·     Process: How do they identify candidates?  What is their recruitment methodology?  Does the agency have a filtering program?  What appraisal tools do they use to identify not only the capabilities, but competence of the candidates?
·     Reputation: How long has this agency been in the business?  Who are their clients?  Do they have an ethical recruitment practice?  Do they charge placement fees or hidden fees against the candidates?

At the end of the day, how one conducts their recruitment campaign will dictate whether their company will reap benefits and returns through its future employees.  While shortcuts and quick results are tempting to get the job done at a faster pace, a successful recruitment campaign demands nothing less of a well-thought out plan, clarity in relaying the job opportunity, and finding the right partner.

EDI-Staffbuilders International, Inc. is the premier international recruitment consultancy firm in the Philippines.  As an affiliate of the John Clements ConsultantsGroup (JCCI), EDI brings the standards of its esteemed parent company in the international recruitment practice.

EDI was started in 1978 by the Harvard-educated Mr. Leocadio Dominguez and renowned Australian psychologist, Mr.  John Clements.  Being one of the pioneering company in the industry has not only afforded EDI a tradition of leadership, but has set the bar on industry standards.

Over the past three decades EDI has gained the confidence of some of the top companies in the Middle East in the Asia-Pacific, primarily in the oil & gas, petrochemical, engineering, construction, telecommunications, IT, hospitality, services, and banking industries.

For more information and to know more on how to conduct a successful recruitment campaign, email us at or check 

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